Why I Want Donald Trump To Fail, Part 2

Right after the election, this annoying meme started showing up about how wanting Trump to fail was like wanting the pilot of your plane to fail. It was nothing like that, of course, for if your pilot had a momentary lapse in judgement, your plane would be equipped with the latest technology and (you hope anyway) an equally experienced and trained co-pilot who would say, as Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger said about US Airways Flight 1549 moments before landing it smoothly on top of the Hudson River, "My aircraft." If Trump fails, we have Steve Bannon and a twitter feed.  More to the point, Trump failing is the best thing that could happen to and for us.

For ...

If he fails to place Jeanine Ferris Pirro or Andrew Peter Napolitano on SCOTUS, America wins.

If he fails to gut the NIH and PBS and handcuff NASA in its study of climate change, America wins.

If he fails to gum up the Affordable Care Act, America wins.

If he fails to pass a tax cut which bankrupts the country and will only benefit those who don't need it, America wins.

If he fails to deport those with brown skin and hyphenated names, America wins.

If he fails to drive a wedge between us and our allies, America wins.

If he fails to secure $20-billion for a ridiculous wall between us and Mexico, America wins.

If he fails to demonize the press and intelligence communities, America wins.

If he fails to intimidate the few members of his cabinet who still want their agencies to do the jobs they were created to do, America wins.

If he fails to use social media to obfuscate and lie and deflect, America wins.

If he fails to obliterate the historical facts and through-line a country needs to function, America wins.

If he fails to turn the Oval Office into the PR wing of Trump International, America wins.

If he fails to squash the FBI investigation into his (and his minions') connections with Putin, America wins.

If he fails to crush the remaining vertebra of the GOP, a vertebra which is already brittle, America wins.

If he fails to keep his promises, America wins.

If he fails, America survives.

And we can always get a new pilot.


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